Information for New Zealanders living in Australia

Joint statement by New Zealand and Australian Prime Ministers

Jacinda Ardern and Anthony Albanese met in Sydney for the annual Australia New Zealand Leaders' Meeting. Photo: Getty Images.
Jacinda Ardern and Anthony Albanese met in Sydney for the annual Australia New Zealand Leaders' Meeting. Photo: Getty Images.

08 July 2022

Prime Minister, Prime Minister of New Zealand

The Prime Minister of Australia, the Hon Anthony Albanese, and the Prime Minister of Aotearoa New Zealand, Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern, joined by Ministerial colleagues from both countries, met in Sydney on 08 July 2022 for the annual Australia New Zealand Leaders' Meeting.

The Prime Ministers committed to working together to achieve greater prosperity for our citizens. New Zealanders and Australians who choose to move between our countries represent our close ties and kinship. Both leaders agreed that no New Zealander or Australian should be rendered permanently “temporary” when it comes to residence in either country, and agreed to ensure viable pathways to citizenship.

Reflecting the Prime Ministers' shared ambition for the bilateral relationship, Australia and New Zealand will identify options to provide citizens of both countries better access to opportunities and benefits and enable more enduring social and economic integration outcomes by ANZAC Day 2023.

[Read the full joint press release].


Australian Labor support citizenship for all New Zealanders

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